Costruiti da chi sempre li produce con la passione per la meccanica e le sue applicazioni nella lavorazione del legno. Una continua ricerca di perfezione, qualità e innovazione, tipica di chi svolge il proprio lavoro con elevata professionalità e amore. Utensili progettati e costruiti in funzione dell'utilizzatore con una vasta gamma di prodotti standard d'alta qualità con garanzia di risultati sempre migliori. Utensili sagomati, utensili per spine, sgorbie, punte speciali, puntali e trascinatori, utensili per anelli, troncatori, testine, pinze da tornio, trafile, filiere, maschi, rulli di trascinamento, accessori.
Constructed by FAPIL with its passion for quality and design as well as its many years of experience in the woodworking industry. A continuous pursuit of perfection, quality, and innovation, typical of FAPIL tools. Tools designed and built according to the customers' requirements, with a wide range of high quality products as well as a guarantee of improved results. Profile tools; tenon cutters; gouges; special bits; push-rods, and draggers; cutters for wooden rings; parting tools; heads; collets for lathes, drawing tools; screw-plate tools, and screw-tap tools, as well as accessories.
Constructed by FAPIL with its passion for quality and design as well as its many years of experience in the woodworking industry. A continuous pursuit of perfection, quality, and innovation, typical of FAPIL tools. Tools designed and built according to the customers' requirements, with a wide range of high quality products as well as a guarantee of improved results. Profile tools; tenon cutters; gouges; special bits; push-rods, and draggers; cutters for wooden rings; parting tools; heads; collets for lathes, drawing tools; screw-plate tools, and screw-tap tools, as well as accessories.